Redeem the Time
The times we live in are so evil. There are many allurements and temptations that would lead you away from the proper improvement of time and that would draw you into sin. The Bible teaches us not to stumble through life, or simply drift through life. We must make the best of every opportunity, live wisely and gain understanding of what the Lord wants you to do in every given moment.
Set your priorities right and seek God diligently. Make Him the number 1 in your life. Don’t sit on the fence! Serve God and serve humanity. Be good to others and as much as it depends on you, be at peace with people no matter what. Forgive immediately and don't procrastinate love. Spend your time and energy in keeping spiritually fit. Strip off any weight of sin and pursue holiness. Gain useful knowledge and don’t stop learning. Honor and enrich your family life every moment you get. Invest in prayer and do a consistent self-examination to make the heart better.
“So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get.
These are desperate times.”
1. Pray and surrender all your plans and aspirations to God and ask Him to lead you.
2. Pray that your eyes will be enlightened to locate your open doors, utilize and make the best out of every gift of time.